Throughout my early childhood, I had four people that were a support network for me. My mom was the foundation of our family working long hours to provide for us. She taught me that hard work pays off and characteristics such as dedication, responsibility, and honesty. She encouraged us to work hard and do well in school so that we could go to college and be whatever we wanted. She made me feel special because I knew she wanted the best for me and even though she was gone a lot I knew that she loved me and made sure that was taken care of.
My Grandma was also supportive of me and took care of me after school and made sure that my homework was done. My siblings and I spent a lot of time with our grandma until she passed on when I was 12. We then learned how to help and take of each other and offer each other support when needed. My Grandma made me feel special by doing things with me such as baking, shopping, and going to church.
My brother and sister are also in my support network because we had to take care of each other while my mom worked. We made sure each other’s homework was done and that everyone ate and bathed and completed their chores before my mom got home. It was definitely a team effort to make sure that everyone was being responsible. Today we would have been labeled as latchkey children. “Latchkey” defines children whom are left to take care of themselves, to use group recreational systems, stay home alone, or in general, supervise themselves (Long 1983). My brother and sister made me feel special because we were there for each other and we also had each other’s backs when we were being mischievous.

This is my sister April

My beautiful mother
This is my older brother Joshua and my baby brother Chaz.