Saturday, May 5, 2012

Expanding Professional Contacts

This week for the blog assignment, I attempted to email and make contact with 15 of the contacts listed in the resources only to find that I was getting a vast amount of failed deliveries. Therefore I listened to the podcast on the World Forum Foundation Radio from Susan Lyon. She brought the “100 Languages of Children” exhibit to California. She also started the Innovated Teacher Project which is inspired by the Reggio Emilia School. From listening to her talk about how a young child inspired her to do her research and bring these projects to America I was inspired that I can make a difference in my community like she did. The innovative project was designed to provide resources to teachers to build their professional development where otherwise resources might not be available. The schools utilized the Reggio Approach and would meet with other teachers on a weekly basis to work together and share ideas about what was working for them. I enjoyed researching Susan Lyon and her innovative teaching project because we share the same idea of what quality early childhood education should be. A quality program should support learning of all students and have successful partnerships with families and communities.

For the second part of our blog assignment I chose to explore the National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies website. I chose this website as I have a child facility and thought the resources available would benefit me. You are able to sign up for a variety of weekly and monthly newsletters distributed by the website. Providers are able to view professional development trainings available to them. There is also a section for parents and support for them to help them find quality child care for their children. There are also activities that they can do at home with their child. I enjoyed the parents’ part of the website because it is a good resource that you could share with your parents to help extend learning to the home environment. Parents and educators are able to keep up on current legislation as it relates to the early childhood field on the website. There are links to view policies and agendas.
The website is changing its name to Child Care Aware if you need to access it as a resource in the future. There are links to the new web address on the website. Overall this website offers a variety of resources to parents and child care providers. You are able to find information about your local resource and referral agency. I am familiar with my local agency and I am able to borrow learning materials for the children from their lending library, attend trainings, and keep my openings updated with them for them to match parents whom are looking for quality providers with my facility. 


  1. Hello Niole, I too am finding our assignment challenging. But I am confident that we will be successful at some point!
    It is good to meet you and I look forward to getting to know you throughout this course and reading your other blog posts.
    I have seen many resources and attended workshops hosted by the Child Care Resource and Referral but I hadn't thought to add it to my center webpage for parents to access their resources, too. Thanks for the heads up on the name change, too.

  2. I enjoy listening to podcasts and I would rather listen to the podcasts on international issues and trends. Newsletters are also convenient. I'll be excited if I do recieve a response from someone that I emailed, yet I will get some podcasts going as well. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Hi Nicole,
    I too had a lot of e-mails that were not able to be sent because the address were no longer valid. The pod-cast that you listened to was one that read a bit about. I would like to learn more about the Reggio approach and Susan Lyon is doing a great thing by educating ECE professionals on this method of teaching. We have a local referral and resource agency that I go to to attend free workshops for ECE teachers. They are starting a new program where you can pay to be a member and check out their great them boxes with all the great supplies. It is a big help to be able to borrow these resources.

  4. Hi Nicole,

    You have worked so hard in this first week. I also have not received any response from the international contacts I made, and yet to listen to the podcast as well, but hopefully I should be able to settle fast for the alternative by the end of this week.
    The website you chose is a good one. I also visit the site from time to time. The information is great. I look forward to working with you in this course. Hae a great week.
